"You Really Wanna Fly " Games - Internet - Hardware - Software - Reviews - xD
quinta-feira, 29 de abril de 2010
quarta-feira, 28 de abril de 2010
Tatoos Cientificas
Scientific Tattos
Benjamin writes, “The tattoo on my ankle is of a one-bit binary full adder. It one of the most basic building blocks of all computer chips. The flow of binary state would be from left to right as oriented in the picture.”
Mais fotos de tatoos cientificas podem ser encontradas no site de Carl Zimmer
sexta-feira, 23 de abril de 2010
Lições para desenvolvedores que aprendemos com Diablo II
terça-feira, 20 de abril de 2010
Best pics from Chat Roulette
quinta-feira, 15 de abril de 2010
quarta-feira, 14 de abril de 2010
terça-feira, 13 de abril de 2010
Damm, Neo-Geo was Good
Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Four bright buttons and two joysticks. Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Cool red cab and a name that sticks.
No one quite did 2D fighters like you did. No one quite did runnin’ and gunnin’ like you did No one quite did Puzzle Bobble like you did I’ll always love my four slot model cause I, I…
I played that cab for hours on end to the point where that thing was my only friend. With a heavy machine gun in my hand I beat Metal Slug over and over again. You’re 32 bits of endless fun. You’re a 1990 revolution. You’re ahead of the game. You are the best. You’re the SNK king of MVS.
You’re an attractive machine in a pretty red dress. When I’m playing as Mai I wanna give you a kiss. Forget Chun Li when there’s Shiranui. She’ll knock you out with those big ninja bee’s.
I’m the Samurai Showdown digital god when you’re playing against me and my ninja dog. I’m like Galford with my cool blond hair. But I dont have a ninja dog. I have a ninja chair.
Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Four bright buttons and two joysticks. Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Cool red cab and a name that sticks.
OK so we all know that Neo Geo MVS arcade cabinet is the best thing to ever exist on the planet. That’s obvious. If you were born then you know that. If you don’t know that then you’re technically not alive. So you might wanna get that checked out. but there’s also another best thing on the planet. Listen up.
ScrewAttack’s the place it’s all at. With a name like that it’s so bad, ask me where I get my retro games. The answer I give will never change. It’s a magical land named GameAttack. OK it’s just a store but it’s near Dallas.
The place to be is SGC. If you went down there then you saw me. I’ll never forget the wet konga or the hotel front desk babe named Sonya. I never did get my kiss of death. But if I go next year I’m sure she’ll say yes.
Yeah ScrewAttack is really cool but I ran out of material. I dont know what else to say about that website so I’ll just say go to it cause it’s really cool. Uh right? Was that good? You like my song?
Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Four bright buttons and two joysticks. Neo Geo, Neo Geo. Cool red cab and a name that sticks.
The guys on RacketBoy are gonna love this one.
musica de Keith Apicary pra comprar pela iTunes
segunda-feira, 12 de abril de 2010
sexta-feira, 9 de abril de 2010
I Hate the School Too
quinta-feira, 8 de abril de 2010
Street Fighters and the Brazilian Nuts
quarta-feira, 7 de abril de 2010
Starcraft 2 Beta Break Up
segunda-feira, 5 de abril de 2010
sábado, 3 de abril de 2010

Torchlight ótimo game, desenvolvido pela Runic Games
Dos mesmos criadores de Diablo I e II.
Possui um preço muito bom 20 euros, ou seja não esta sendo explorado o consumidor.
alem disso pode ser comprado pelo Steam
enquanto não chega Diablo III que realmente vai demorar.. 50 pila bem gastos, vale a pena ir jogar;
infelizmente o game possui um velho problema existente em Diablo II ,,, (q nao irei revelar..) ... q acaba por tirar a diversao do jogo, caso o mesmo fosse online como era diablo 2 seria pior ainda
Torchlight - Amber of Colossus
Um presente aos que quiserem ... algumas GEMASse alguem quiser trocar itens de armadura (os roxos), ou algum item único q seja fodao ( isto eh outro detalhe bem legal do game),,basta colocar no seu bau e enviar este arquivo para wbarato@gmail.com irei responder enviando os que tenhu tambem ...
bom jogo a todos